Our topics today:
- USHIRO-UKEMI: backwards roll (a) changing sides on the back and (b) rolling over the shoulder; from SUWARI-WAZA and TACHI-WAZA
- MUSUBI exercise: guiding the partner through shoulder contact
- USHIRO-UKEMI exercises with partner:
- Pushing both shoulders
- Pushing with a contact to the throat: leaving the comfort zone
- Pushing one shoulder: side to roll over is now determined
- Guiding the partner while he is gripping one's index finger (position GYAKU-HANMI)
- Application in the technique (GYAKU-HANMI) KATATE-DORI TENCHI-NAGE:
- OMOTE direct entry
- URA turning entry (with TENKAN movement, see video in glossary)
- SHIATSU practice with partner